81.   Former Secretary of Defense Les Aspin made this exact point when he announced the results of the Bottom-Up Review.

82.   General Motors Corp., along with Toyota and Honda, is expected to announce sales results on Wednesday.

83.   From the time that the Treasury stops accepting bids, it now takes five minutes to almost an hour to process the bids and announce the results.

84.   General Motors Corp. is expected to announce its results Wednesday, and Ford Motor Co. is scheduled to release its sales on Thursday.

85.   Hanwa was supposed to announce earnings results tomorrow.

86.   He is expected to announce the results of his trip at a news conference Sunday.

87.   He said the company will detail a comeback plan when quarterly results are officially announced at the end of the month.

88.   Hewlett-Packard announced its results after the close of the market.

89.   Hostetler and his chief collaborator, Dr. John Huggins of Fort Detrick, plan to announce their results on Wednesday at a medical conference in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

90.   I think many companies will announce results that are below expectations.

v. + result >>共 506
expect 9.68%
announce 5.60%
produce 5.52%
report 4.55%
release 4.40%
get 2.75%
await 2.74%
see 2.42%
have 2.37%
yield 2.08%
announce + n. >>共 634
plan 11.97%
decision 5.62%
result 3.20%
resignation 2.55%
agreement 2.35%
intention 2.21%
retirement 2.20%
deal 2.09%
candidacy 1.73%
date 1.64%
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