announce plan 190.52   Only then was the plan announced.
  announce decision 89.40   But Bush did not announce any decision.
  announce result 50.95   Did you hear them announce the result?
  announce resignation 40.55   The chairman announced his resignation.
  announce agreement 37.46   A premature peace agreement is announced.
  announce intention 35.09   The bank announced its intention to bid.
  announce retirement 35.02   He announced his retirement Wednesday.
  announce deal 33.25   No deal was announced.
  announce candidacy 27.58   He formally announced his candidacy on Saturday.
  announce date 26.07   No date was announced.
  announce appointment 24.23   The appointments were announced last week.
  announce detail 23.04   Details will be announced.
  announce change 21.00   A rules change is announced.
  announce measure 19.95   No new tax measures were announced.
  announce arrest 16.46   No arrests were announced.
  announce verdict 15.80   No verdict has been announced.
  announce move 15.40   The move was announced Monday.
  announce winner 15.08   Was a winner ever announced?
  announce merger 12.64   The merger was announced Wednesday.
  announce creation 12.44   He also announced the creation of an elite unit to help solve the crime.
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