81.   Much of the world now is quite happy to accept the idea that a greenback backed by Alan Greenspan is just as good as one backed by gold.

82.   Money and political power are inevitably attracted to each other, and until recently Europeans seemed more willing than Americans to accept this idea cynically.

83.   Much of what happens next will depend on how he convinces the Palestinians to accept the idea that the Israeli pledges might be for real.

84.   Now they are beginning to accept the idea of investing in employee health maintenance, too.

85.   Now, before you go thinking he has been wearing his crown too tightly, consider that many cultures accept the idea of spectral soundings and sightings.

86.   Of course, as Lindley recalls for us, Einstein refused to accept the idea of a world that could be known only by the measurement of its probabilities.

87.   On the issue of Medicare, Americans accept the idea that the government should do more, but resist specific proposals that affect their pocketbooks.

88.   Other utilities, including American Electric Power, have accepted the idea that binding limits on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases are inevitable.

89.   Overton has accepted the idea of being a journeyman.

90.   She not only accepts her Hemings kinship, she accepts the idea that there were blood ties between the two branches before Sally was born.

v. + idea >>共 546
have 26.75%
reject 6.69%
get 3.67%
like 3.67%
support 3.16%
oppose 2.50%
dismiss 2.01%
discuss 1.51%
float 1.25%
accept 1.12%
accept + n. >>共 1100
offer 4.34%
invitation 3.07%
resignation 2.95%
responsibility 2.61%
money 2.36%
plan 2.18%
proposal 1.86%
bribe 1.80%
job 1.45%
donation 1.09%
idea 0.98%
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