accept offer 53.92   Aikman accepts the offer.
  accept invitation 38.18   He readily accepted her invitation .
  accept resignation 36.60   The resignation was accepted.
  accept responsibility 32.46   Accept responsibility.
  accept money 29.30   But never has she accepted money.
  accept plan 27.12   Ethiopia accepted the plan.
  accept proposal 23.17   His proposal was accepted.
  accept bribe 22.38   Norton is in prison for accepting bribes.
  accept job 17.97   I Decided to accept the job.
  accept donation 13.56   Donations are accepted.
  accept gift 13.03   They accept the gifts.
  accept award 12.31   Her son accepted the award.
  accept idea 12.18   And labor leaders accept the idea.
  accept result 11.72   Forecast results are accepted.
  accept deal 11.52   Moshe accepted the deal.
  accept change 11.26   The young accept the changes.
  accept payment 11.26   We do accept payment in instalments.
  accept decision 11.19   She accepted his decision.
  accept defeat 10.27   Bush accepted defeat graciously.
  accept challenge 9.87   They accept challenges.
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