71.   Fadjar Limin Sutandi, the head of research of Sigma Batara Securities, said that the heated political situation undermined the positive signal from the IMF.

72.   Fahrenkopf urged the NCAA to concentrate more on working together with the industry on public education and research of youth gambling.

73.   Helmut Krause, a spokesman at Bosch in Stuttgart, denied the company was preventing research of its archives regarding forced labor.

74.   However, extensive research of an animal and its prospective home tend to make for success, she said.

75.   In addition, the machine will be used in the research of ocean currents, drug design, molecular modeling, plasma physics and polymer blend design.

76.   Instead, the imperial realm can be yours with the mere click of a computer mouse, thanks to the painstaking research of scholars.

77.   It now also plans to fund foreign Hellenists who want to carry out research of work in Greece.

78.   It also said it will emphasize research of EPO detection.

79.   Nixon is played by Beau Bridges, who was a staunch anti-war activist at the time, but found a new perspective during extensive research of his character.

80.   Noel Reyes, vice president for research of Anscor Hagedorn Securities, said it is unlikely Philippine markets will recover until the Japanese currency settles.

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