1.   A checklist completed by teachers will give a measure of the use of over two hundred activities in computer education lessons.

2.   A developing issue for actuaries has been the question of the possible use of professional certification of reserves for general insurance.

3.   A further restriction on the clinical use of alumina is the response of tissues to its implantation.

4.   A further use of carbon rod is for sail battens to control flutter, or to improve sail shape.

5.   A further, recent complexity has been added by the widespread use of video recorders.

6.   A good many scientists were opposed to the use of the bomb.

7.   A large sports centre has been made at Aviemore, mainly for winter skiing but also for the use of summer tourists.

8.   A major improvement was the use of a rechargeable battery inside the transmitter, which was recharged via two protruding wires.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
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group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
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use + p. >>共 51
of 76.45%
in 7.42%
for 3.82%
by 2.79%
as 2.29%
on 1.11%
to 0.91%
with 0.83%
at 0.75%
among 0.56%
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