71.   But Justice Anthony M. Kennedy said universities have historically been places that encourage a diversity of views as an essential part of their educational mission.

72.   But soon Lobo, in a building where she had been an essential part of a perfect season, found herself at the far end of the visiting bench.

73.   But tests are an essential part of the school experience.

74.   By owning an essential part of the managed care system, the companies believed they could help sway some prescriptions to their drugs.

75.   By the time his tenure at the hospice ended, Quill said, he viewed the care of dying patients as an essential part of his practice.

76.   Coleman predicts the machines will become an essential part of both the manufacturing and health care fields, ending the long waits and costly procedures for creating prototypes.

77.   Chocolate is an essential part of a balanced diet.

78.   Commerce Secretary Don Evans, in fact, believes that touching base with corporate executives is an essential part of his job.

79.   Confidentiality is an essential part of the program.

80.   Credit will never be popular, Calder believes, but it will always be an essential part of the American economy.

a. + part >>共 821
large 7.16%
important 3.31%
spare 3.11%
integral 2.62%
big 2.60%
different 2.56%
small 2.37%
northern 2.32%
first 2.06%
southern 1.85%
essential 0.87%
essential + n. >>共 744
part 7.35%
service 4.97%
item 4.48%
element 3.63%
goods 3.33%
ingredient 3.05%
component 2.14%
commodity 1.83%
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