71.   Robert Solarez, who played a homeless sidekick to Jon Voigt, said Superior is a close-knit town in dire need of economic help.

72.   Schools statewide are in dire need of repair.

73.   Sen. Michael B. Enzi, R-Wyo., said that ranchers in his state were in dire need of disaster assistance.

74.   Several clubs are in dire need of a starting pitcher if they are to get over the hump and earn a playoff berth this season.

75.   Similarly, a country where AIDS is chronic and such preventable disease as malaria remains epidemic is in dire need of urgent international health care assistance.

76.   Since he was in no dire need of medical attention, we agreed to meet on Friday morning.

77.   Some places, like Congo, Rwanda and Somalia, are in far more dire need of financing than Afghanistan.

78.   Sprewell has talent on his side, along with the fact that the Knicks were in dire need of a makeover.

79.   Standing near the baseline, an inch behind the arc, the clock ticking down and your team in dire need of one perfectly tossed shot.

80.   Terhune says that a dire need exists for maximum-security cells for the most violent offenders.

a. + need >>共 916
urgent 6.47%
special 4.85%
desperate 4.38%
basic 3.33%
dire 3.21%
immediate 2.43%
pressing 2.38%
financial 1.92%
medical 1.66%
humanitarian 1.51%
dire + n. >>共 185
consequence 16.01%
need 15.46%
warning 9.62%
prediction 7.73%
situation 4.50%
strait 3.79%
circumstance 2.52%
condition 2.44%
poverty 2.29%
forecast 1.81%
每页显示:    共 195