1.   This dire situation exists despite a welter of management plans, royalties, taxes, and fees.

2.   Usually these reports concentrate on prophecies of a forthcoming Armageddon but many also describe a dire contemporary situation.

3.   Asked how ExciteAtHome got into such a dire situation, Hart said she did not know.

4.   Because Stone knows how to put his characters into dire situations that clutch you by the throat.

5.   But as the day went on and Russian rescue ships rushed to the area, the focus of concern shifted to the dire situation of men on board.

6.   Dire situations.

7.   Dr. Naser Abdel Kareem, dean of business at Anmajah National University in Nablus, is not surprised by the dire economic situation.

8.   Even if the Mets sweep four games from Florida this weekend, they would be in a dire situation, and the Mets are hardly in a sweep mode.

9.   For dire situations, there are even more drastic techniques.

10.   Fortunately, he has a marvelous short game and can get himself out of many dire situations.

a. + situation >>共 632
economic 6.33%
current 5.75%
political 4.55%
sexual 3.56%
similar 3.51%
difficult 2.39%
same 2.01%
financial 1.93%
emergency 1.73%
such 1.61%
dire 0.46%
dire + n. >>共 185
consequence 16.01%
need 15.46%
warning 9.62%
prediction 7.73%
situation 4.50%
strait 3.79%
circumstance 2.52%
condition 2.44%
poverty 2.29%
forecast 1.81%
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