71.   Other volunteers worked on a First Aid station, a gift shop and a concession stand.

72.   Or lugging programs to the concession stands.

73.   Others stayed and kept themselves warm by standing in long lines at the concession stands and the restrooms.

74.   One struck and killed a young man standing near a concession stand.

75.   Paul Shersty returned to the concession stand the next day and told them about the funny money.

76.   Other fans expressed their anger as they gathered in front of the concession stands and shared the latest rumors of where the team might end up.

77.   Patrons who pay for snacks in advance would receive a separate ticket to turn in at the concession stand.

78.   Others parked near the concession stand and restrooms in the middle.

79.   Outdoor betting areas and concession stands have been set up to ease congestion.

80.   Players, coaches and parents from both Richland and Trinity High School also took shelter in the concession stands and bathrooms, Master said.

n. + stand >>共 617
concession 10.00%
medal 3.82%
souvenir 2.75%
food 2.36%
farm 2.25%
victory 2.19%
right-field 1.97%
fruit 1.91%
bus 1.80%
lemonade 1.69%
concession + n. >>共 90
stand 33.09%
speech 18.03%
area 5.02%
agreement 2.97%
contract 2.60%
company 2.04%
holder 2.04%
period 1.86%
sale 1.67%
revenue 1.67%
每页显示:    共 177