1.   Its concession agreement gives it security, though, allowing for compensation in the case of an imposed freeze of road tolls.

2.   The company will request protection from the judiciary and request arbitrage provided under the limited concession agreement Telefonica has with the government.

3.   PNHB said Syabas is in the midst of conducting the final stage of negotiations and also finalising the draft of concession agreement with the State Government.

4.   A rough outline of the concession agreement is already being discussed by the government and companies that are interested in bidding.

5.   AEDC claimed government violated its own bidding rules when it refused to disclose a copy of its concession agreement with Piatco.

6.   After the concession agreements are signed, Cayetano said they will be sent back to Ramos for his final approval.

7.   He praised the Cabinet for its decision to ask for a review of all highway concession agreements to seek reduced toll rates and an extended collection period.

8.   He said the Government will review all highway concession agreements to seek reduced toll rates and an extended collection period in view of the current economic situation.

9.   It said the physical contruction of the project could only start after the signing of the concession agreement and the availability of land.

10.   Lee said the concession agreement did not allow for partial opening of stretches in the road alignment.

n. + agreement >>共 534
peace 24.36%
trade 7.80%
cooperation 4.36%
plea 3.24%
cease-fire 3.23%
budget 2.16%
autonomy 1.73%
confidentiality 1.69%
labor 1.57%
ceasefire 1.49%
concession 0.10%
concession + n. >>共 90
stand 33.09%
speech 18.03%
area 5.02%
agreement 2.97%
contract 2.60%
company 2.04%
holder 2.04%
period 1.86%
sale 1.67%
revenue 1.67%
每页显示:    共 16