71.   A chief complaint of Lakers fans is that the team gave away too much to sign Shaq.

72.   A fighter named Nasriddin voiced a common complaint of Northern Alliance fighters, that they are getting little support from the United States.

73.   A few are taking an even more proactive approach, organizing inspection tours or agreeing to investigate citizen complaints of wrongdoing.

74.   A complaint of commanders during the Gulf War was that Tomahawks could only be programmed at shore facilities in the United States.

75.   A federal appeals court has upheld the complaint of a white teacher who was laid off in favor of an equally qualified, equally experienced minority colleague.

76.   A few pregnant women, whose complaints of feeling ill were ignored, suffered miscarriages, McDougal said.

77.   A former director of the New York office, Henning Schreiber, was recalled to Frankfurt following the complaints of racial and sexual harassment.

78.   A frequent complaint of Lavin players.

79.   A major complaint of American exporters is that while they await license approval, foreign competitors can close deals.

80.   A Serb monitoring organization reports that it receives daily complaints of Serbs being killed, or their houses being burned.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
complaint 0.03%
complaint + p. >>共 64
about 23.05%
from 16.77%
against 14.05%
of 10.94%
with 10.58%
to 6.18%
by 5.97%
in 3.27%
over 1.43%
on 1.21%
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