71.   The agreement calls for Belgrade to recognise Bosnia-Hercegovina and for the Sarajevo government in turn to grant recognition to the Bosnian Serb republic headquartered in Pale.

72.   The agreement calls for implementing a north-south reconciliation plan agreed between the two sides in talks last February in Amman but which was never put into action.

73.   The agreement calls for the transfer of Iranian technical expertise in the steel industry, railways, cement factories and wheat silos, it said.

74.   The agreement calls on Indonesia to treat all foreign creditors equally by seeking rescheduling deals with other private external creditors.

75.   The defense agreement calls for continued work on the ARROW weapon system that will provide Israel with an enhanced defense against ballistic missiles, Perry said.

76.   The framework agreement calls for opening the Japanese market in four priority areas -- insurance, telecommunications, medical equipment and automobiles and auto parts.

77.   The military agreement calls for continued work on the ARROW weapon system that will provide Israel with an enhanced defense against ballistic missiles, Perry said.

n. + call >>共 860
wake-up 7.93%
strike 5.95%
distress 4.34%
plan 2.88%
margin 2.56%
line 2.56%
port 2.35%
opposition 2.12%
radio 1.82%
agreement 1.78%
agreement + n. >>共 190
call 20.98%
work 4.09%
came 3.54%
sign 1.63%
negotiation 1.63%
hour 1.36%
broker 1.36%
access 0.82%
day 0.82%
mean 0.82%
每页显示:    共 77