61.   Most analysts said the big worry of the market continues to be the government bonds known as tesobonos that are paid in pesos but pegged to dollars.

62.   News of layoffs periodically brings back worries of joblessness, economists say -- even though the unemployment rate remains close to a seven-year low.

63.   Now there is the added danger to worry about of defendants being sentenced while evidence relevant to their cases sits unreviewed in government files.

64.   Now the rout of technology stocks on Wall Street and the worries of electronic retailers are providing a sobering influence in the markets.

65.   Or forget the worries of the world aboard the top deck of a sun-kissed passenger ferry as it slowly proceeds from one community to another.

66.   Others said they had hoped that the president would address the worries of international investors more directly.

67.   Polls consistently show law and order to be a prevailing worry of Russians.

68.   Protest leaders like Schenone have spared little in the way of rhetoric, but they are not the chief worry of authorities.

69.   Shakespeare Cuisinart, Freeman noted, lets people participate in this kind of music-making process without the worry of stage fright.

70.   Some push-button answers, however, bring new worries of their own.

n. + of >>共 1368
number 2.42%
thousand 1.43%
hundred 1.22%
most 1.18%
group 0.86%
series 0.84%
use 0.80%
head 0.77%
sign 0.72%
side 0.70%
worry 0%
worry + p. >>共 44
about 55.63%
over 14.44%
of 8.15%
for 7.02%
in 3.21%
to 1.91%
among 1.66%
on 1.52%
at 0.92%
with 0.85%
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