61.   Only Duncan has outscored him since he joined the starting five.

62.   Turkish coach Yilmaz Cetin, his team outmatched by the Yugoslavs, rested his starting five.

63.   Van Gundy was vague when asked about lineup changes, although he did allow that Larry Johnson will remain in the starting five.

a. + five >>共 219
top 24.05%
the 12.10%
last 7.92%
high 7.20%
first 4.97%
starting 4.54%
remaining 3.31%
next 2.02%
past 1.51%
final 1.15%
starting + n. >>共 412
lineup 17.64%
point 11.58%
pitcher 8.98%
job 8.25%
quarterback 7.00%
rotation 6.21%
spot 2.78%
position 2.49%
center 1.89%
guard 1.56%
five 0.80%
每页显示:    共 63