61.   Saxe-Coburg said the government would ensure the new plant would operate in a reliable and secure manner.

n. + operate >>共 1111
company 10.13%
group 3.08%
system 1.91%
bank 1.82%
airline 1.73%
business 1.53%
government 1.51%
force 1.37%
rebel 1.35%
doctor 1.28%
plant 1.10%
plant + v. >>共 682
be 25.85%
have 5.26%
produce 4.62%
make 3.31%
grow 2.73%
need 1.58%
use 1.58%
close 1.56%
operate 1.13%
go 1.13%
每页显示:    共 61