61.   Jack and Celestine were doing things for people throughout their lives.

62.   Many people throughout history have chosen to rebel against their government or their society in order to bring about a higher purpose.

63.   More recently, a punishing civil war has scattered people throughout the country, and lingered on.

64.   No Pray, No Play, a group headquartered in Temple, had urged people from throughout the state to come to Santa Fe to pray before the game.

65.   People throughout Los Angeles joined the nation in prayer Tuesday for those who were killed, injured or grief-stricken by the worst terrorist attacks in U.S. history.

66.   People throughout this small river village are doing the same.

67.   People throughout the former Communist state are finding religion after decades of government-mandated atheism.

68.   People throughout the industry predicted that it would become a major hit this season.

69.   People throughout the Internet industry are concerned about the privacy problem.

70.   People throughout the nation and the world will be watching, said professor Levenson.

n. + throughout >>共 1635
people 1.17%
advantage 1.08%
city 1.06%
update 1.05%
school 0.70%
problem 0.68%
place 0.64%
service 0.63%
area 0.60%
office 0.53%
people + p. >>共 89
in 26.60%
with 13.42%
of 10.96%
from 8.81%
on 5.78%
like 4.23%
to 3.83%
at 3.52%
for 2.36%
around 1.75%
throughout 0.40%
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