61.   The full Appropriations panel considers the overall measure next week.

62.   The legislative panel is considering a bill requiring that tickets sold for performances by copycat groups clearly disclose that the featured act is not the original group.

63.   The panel also considered a proposal to set up centres where MPs and their constituents could discuss provincial parliamentary affairs.

64.   The panel would consider evidence of apartheid-era political crimes and recommend who should receive amnesty.

65.   The panel also considered whether to cancel the Osprey program and start from scratch, but decided the option would be too expensive.

66.   The panel considered whether to cancel the Osprey program and start from scratch, but decided the option would be too expensive.

67.   The panel also considered whether to cancel the Osprey program and start from scratch but decided the option would be too expensive.

68.   The panel also was considering taking similar action on two other allergy drugs, Zyrec and Allegra.

69.   The panel also will consider ways to enhance security at federal public facilities in northern Virginia and suburban Maryland.

70.   The panel may consider two requests that Clinton be disciplined for lying under oath in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.

n. + consider >>共 567
government 9.94%
company 5.43%
official 5.23%
administration 2.31%
authority 2.25%
people 2.01%
court 1.73%
state 1.67%
agency 1.53%
board 1.38%
panel 0.70%
panel + v. >>共 650
say 8.12%
be 6.70%
recommend 4.60%
have 3.54%
find 3.13%
rule 3.00%
decide 2.06%
meet 1.89%
include 1.80%
make 1.67%
consider 1.34%
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