1.   The panel also found that Gingrich gave it false information when questioned about the matter.

2.   An independent panel found major flaws in the way Seattle police investigate themselves, recommending that a civilian run a new office to pursue allegations of police misconduct.

3.   An international panel of historians found that Waldheim must have known of atrocities committed by his unit in the Balkans, but had done nothing to stop them.

4.   As late as last month, however, an expert panel found that the hospital was still crowded and unsafe.

5.   At the same time, the panel found no evidence that such programs increase the frequency of drug injection among participants or coax newcomers into using drugs.

6.   Besides ruling that Chrysler had complied with state laws, the new vehicle panel also found that the state agency had wrongfully withheld evidence.

7.   A British Bridge League panel later found there was insufficient evidence to sustain such a ruling, but the world association prevailed.

8.   A disciplinary panel found that the opponent had never faced that charge.

9.   A U.S. district court judge ruled for the city but an incredulous appeals court panel found for Atwater.

10.   After a daylong hearing, the panel found on Wednesday that there was insufficient evidence to punish Landry.

n. + find >>共 805
police 6.05%
study 5.40%
researcher 3.19%
investigator 2.76%
people 2.26%
survey 2.07%
company 2.07%
court 1.90%
jury 1.63%
report 1.57%
panel 0.60%
panel + v. >>共 650
say 8.12%
be 6.70%
recommend 4.60%
have 3.54%
find 3.13%
rule 3.00%
decide 2.06%
meet 1.89%
include 1.80%
make 1.67%
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