61.   One news magazine said as much.

62.   Optimism based on stronger-than-expected first-quarter growth may be misplaced, the magazine says.

63.   Other developments are planned, the magazine says.

64.   People in the advertising industry who have seen the magazine say it looks promising.

65.   Other products suffer from slow or inaccurate head-tracking, lack of color and physical discomfort, the magazine said.

66.   Playboy magazine says recent settlements have included negotiated cash buy-outs for the value of mileage accrued.

67.   Rising inflation and an expanding current account deficit put Australia at risk, the magazine said.

68.   Salon magazine said the affair took place three decades ago, when Hyde was an Illinois state representative.

69.   SBC Warburg was the top adviser on cross-border acquisitions in Europe in the first half of the year, Acquisitions Monthly magazine said last week.

70.   Since then, says the magazine, a Manhattan theater manager said that there have been at least two seizures a week in response to that film.

n. + say >>共 480
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analyst 4.36%
report 3.78%
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expert 2.16%
authority 1.82%
government 1.60%
magazine 0.08%
magazine + v. >>共 613
say 11.59%
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report 5.13%
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name 1.09%
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