magazine say 25.87   One news magazine said as much.
  magazine be 23.44   The news magazine was dead on.
  magazine report 11.45   So reports Esquire magazine.
  magazine have 9.15   Supposed to have not magazines.
  magazine publish 7.18   The magazine published two of my stories.
  magazine go 2.63   When does a magazine go too far?
  magazine run 2.63   Talk magazine ran out of buzz.
  magazine offer 2.50   The magazine also offered its comments.
  magazine make 2.44   Glossy garden magazines make me nervous.
  magazine name 2.44   Two magazines have named top executives.
  magazine cover 2.37   Magazine covers?
  magazine feature 2.24   Magazine features.
  magazine include 2.24   The magazine includes humor and social commentary.
  magazine take 2.11   The magazine took full responsibility.
  magazine do 1.97   Do magazines do they same?
  magazine quote 1.91   The magazine quoted German government sources.
  magazine call 1.78   Time magazine calls it dotcommunism.
  magazine give 1.71   The magazine gave no details.
  magazine come 1.65   The magazine comes out Friday.
  magazine devote 1.58   A magazine devoted to contemporary fashions.
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