61.   That was a gentler tone than Bush used Tuesday, when he diverged from the topic of education policy to offer his critique of the party.

62.   The board governs the university independently of the state Legislature, in part to keep politics out of education policy.

63.   The board sets education policy in New York.

64.   The board has been reviewing the current bilingual education policy and plans to make changes, but board members have not been clear on what those changes might be.

65.   The broad stands on which the governor has run his campaign reflect his ethos, starting with his education policy.

66.   The court ruled that Mississippi would also have to reform its discriminatory spending and education policies.

67.   The education secretary advises the governor on education policy and serves as a link between the administration and educators.

68.   The exception is education policy, on which the governor speaks with passion and confidence.

69.   The students asked about gun con trol, education policy and other controversial topics.

70.   The two parties are now virtually in total opposition over the direction of national education policy.

n. + policy >>共 624
government 11.57%
immigration 3.31%
energy 2.98%
trade 2.87%
tax 2.67%
company 2.34%
drug 2.20%
security 1.94%
administration 1.94%
defense 1.43%
education 1.05%
education + n. >>共 551
program 9.98%
system 6.19%
official 4.52%
minister 4.23%
reform 4.03%
bill 3.10%
campaign 2.42%
ministry 1.86%
secretary 1.76%
policy 1.70%
每页显示:    共 105