61.   Even so, there is no doubt that developers are keen to acquire any property on the Upper East Side.

62.   For at least one buyer, the fact that the developer is black provided one of the incentives to buy in the subdivision.

63.   For that reason, few software developers are likely to spurn advances from a studio.

64.   Further complicating the deal is that the developers are to begin receiving interest on that money when construction starts on the office towers.

65.   Fore, of Warrendale, Pa., is a developer of an advanced technology for data networking.

66.   Game developers are on the brink of taking games to new heights.

67.   Heinz suggests that developers are the ones who put us in this pickle.

68.   He said fewer developers would be able to use the new permits, and that new, regional restrictions would cause delays for builders.

69.   If it were, developers would not be able to turn to the patent office, seeking to protect their products as new and unique.

70.   In other cities, developers are on their own to build on vacant lots.

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developer + v. >>共 527
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