61.   How deep is your allegiance to a lifestyle or fond memory or defining moment?

62.   How do you forget a defining moment?

63.   How many times have the Bears faced the single defining moment of the season?

64.   If and when he has to hire a football coach, it could be his defining moment.

65.   In a game with season-long repercussions, the defining moment was a look from UCLA coach Steve Lavin.

66.   In an eighth-grade history class in Junction City he experienced a defining moment.

67.   In reality, this is a defining moment for both of you.

68.   Instead, a defining moment was thrust upon them, and their world was turned upside down before it was fully theirs.

69.   Instead, the Net has thousands of defining moments every day.

70.   Inevitably, one searches for defining moments at this time of year.

a. + moment >>共 711
last 5.63%
defining 2.21%
brief 2.00%
final 1.78%
critical 1.61%
right 1.55%
rare 1.44%
crucial 1.34%
very 1.30%
great 1.27%
defining + n. >>共 213
moment 34.32%
characteristic 5.62%
issue 5.33%
terrorism 1.92%
event 1.92%
element 1.78%
feature 1.63%
difference 1.48%
experience 1.18%
quality 1.18%
每页显示:    共 231