1.   The single defining quality of leaders is the capacity to create and realize a vision.

2.   Bat speed is the defining quality for hitters.

3.   It is perhaps their defining cultural quality.

4.   It is a defining quality of being disenfranchised that one is in the control of nothing, and everything seems to control you.

5.   Middlebrooks, a Clinton appointee, sided with Tribe, saying that different treatment in different localities was a defining quality of the American electoral system.

6.   Tenacity is the defining quality of his life.

7.   The defining quality of his career is competence, not genius.

8.   What are his defining qualities?

a. + quality >>共 1452
high 9.33%
poor 4.86%
good 4.14%
sound 3.35%
better 3.35%
higher 2.67%
same 1.92%
star 1.90%
highest 1.71%
top 1.68%
defining 0.13%
defining + n. >>共 213
moment 34.32%
characteristic 5.62%
issue 5.33%
terrorism 1.92%
event 1.92%
element 1.78%
feature 1.63%
difference 1.48%
experience 1.18%
quality 1.18%
每页显示:    共 8