61.   His comments would suggest a departure from past UN-requested NATO airstrikes that only focused on minor targets.

62.   His comments suggest the government has also accepted the Kursk was not destroyed by a collision with a World War II mine left behind in the Barents Sea.

63.   The official also denied that the comment about overpopulation suggested the possibility of taking some land from neighboring countries.

n. + suggest >>共 931
report 7.64%
study 5.15%
official 4.73%
evidence 3.27%
poll 3.07%
analyst 2.70%
research 2.16%
expert 1.39%
datum 1.22%
finding 1.22%
comment 0.40%
comment + v. >>共 408
be 33.37%
come 14.24%
follow 2.95%
appear 2.04%
reflect 1.89%
draw 1.78%
make 1.68%
suggest 1.63%
echo 1.37%
have 1.32%
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