61.   Russian troops predicted the city would fall within days, but rebel fighters refused to surrender key positions.

62.   State-run television said Mobutu had also declared states of emergency in North and South Kivu provinces, where three cities have fallen to rebels since October.

63.   Sporadic gunfire was heard early in the morning, but the city fell silent when heavy rains started.

64.   The alliance reported scores of defenders killed after they claimed the city had already fallen.

65.   The city fell into chaos late Monday as the ruling Taliban forces abandoned the capital hours ahead of the advancing tanks of the northern alliance.

66.   The claim that the city had fallen after a day of alliance advances came from a top commander, Daoud Khan.

67.   The city fell Saturday morning.

68.   The city fell Wednesday morning, Kabila said, although fierce fighting between rebel troops and an elite group of Zairian forces continued on its outskirts.

69.   The city fell to opposition fighters late on Tuesday following a two-pronged attack that left several Taliban troops dead, Azizada said.

70.   The city fell to the rebels about four hours after the relief workers were evacuated.

n. + fall >>共 780
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city + v. >>共 754
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remain 1.36%
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