61.   The four were also charged with violating construction safety regulations, Yonhap said.

62.   The four have been charged with aiding an escape from lawful custody.

v. + four >>共 402
kill 5.43%
have 4.63%
arrest 4.36%
strike_out 4.04%
charge 3.30%
include 3.24%
injure 2.77%
take 2.71%
wound 2.66%
win 2.61%
charge + n. >>共 1052
man 7.68%
fee 7.39%
people 2.97%
price 2.71%
suspect 2.25%
officer 1.84%
customer 1.74%
defendant 1.57%
three 1.54%
company 1.50%
four 0.93%
每页显示:    共 62