1.   Seven defendants were charged with violent disorder at or outside a night club and with various assaults on police officers.

2.   The indictment is the document which charges the defendant with the offence.

3.   The defendant was charged with possessing cocaine.

4.   The defendant was charged with heroin possession.

5.   The two defendants were charged with responsibility for three assassinations and five attempted murders.

6.   Against each one of these headings, you should have an estimate of the number of hours that you propose to charge the defendants.

7.   Before the new law was passed, prosecutors could charge defendants who struggled against arrest with assault and battery, but the cases met with little success.

8.   All five defendants are charged with three counts of personal injury, one for each of the patients known to have been infected after receiving blood from the company.

9.   All five defendants have been charged with participating in a global terrorism conspiracy organized by bin Laden.

10.   All four defendants were charged with conspiracy.

v. + defendant >>共 284
acquit 7.35%
charge 7.14%
accuse 5.44%
convict 5.37%
represent 5.24%
sentence 4.15%
try 4.01%
arrest 2.45%
identify 1.97%
hold 1.90%
charge + n. >>共 1052
man 7.68%
fee 7.39%
people 2.97%
price 2.71%
suspect 2.25%
officer 1.84%
customer 1.74%
defendant 1.57%
three 1.54%
company 1.50%
每页显示:    共 104