61.   Too much emphasis on dumbing down adult themes into mush that theoretically will have the broadest appeal to the broadest audience.

a. + theme >>共 911
central 4.28%
common 3.96%
same 3.81%
recurring 3.34%
main 3.13%
major 3.13%
similar 2.35%
familiar 1.77%
adult 1.59%
new 1.51%
adult + n. >>共 1009
life 8.19%
child 4.90%
education 2.59%
court 2.14%
male 2.01%
entertainment 1.56%
cell 1.54%
man 1.48%
son 1.43%
woman 1.35%
theme 1.31%
每页显示:    共 61