1.   A central theme in their experience was the dogged struggle with subordinates about their respective responsibilities.

2.   Campbell has made health care a central theme in his campaign.

3.   Fforde acknowledges that all this appears to invalidate the central theme of his book.

4.   Firstly, a workshop must have a central theme.

5.   Ideas of childishness, linguistic degeneration, and confusion support the central theme of the degradation of essential ritual.

6.   If Alexander has a central theme, it is devolution.

7.   It is that dialogue that became a central theme of my work and the subject of this book.

8.   Many scholars agree that a concern for salvation is a central theme in Orphism.

9.   New governors in three of our largest states-California, Florida, and Illinois-have made prevention a central theme of their administrations.

a. + theme >>共 911
central 4.28%
common 3.96%
same 3.81%
recurring 3.34%
main 3.13%
major 3.13%
similar 2.35%
familiar 1.77%
adult 1.59%
new 1.51%
central + n. >>共 624
banker 6.14%
role 3.28%
issue 2.74%
country 2.59%
state 2.58%
defender 2.26%
committee 2.16%
region 2.13%
part 2.01%
figure 1.99%
theme 1.37%
每页显示:    共 163