51.   Diplomats are concerned that unless deliveries of aid begin soon, tensions could rapidly rise and a fresh wave of unrest sweep across the country.

52.   The wave of anger swept most of the country including California, Texas, Michigan, Tennesse and Virginia.

n. + sweep >>共 620
fire 6.31%
storm 2.77%
wave 2.67%
wind 2.31%
water 2.05%
air 2.00%
police 1.95%
rain 1.95%
force 1.90%
rumor 1.80%
wave + v. >>共 394
be 15.61%
come 3.73%
move 3.38%
sweep 2.98%
pass 2.98%
hit 2.93%
approach 2.93%
begin 2.81%
crash 2.18%
arrive 1.89%
每页显示:    共 52