wave be 17.91   AM waves are too big.
  wave come 4.28   But the big wave never came.
  wave move 3.88   The tropical wave will also move west.
  wave pass 3.42   The second wave passed over the weekend without damage.
  wave sweep 3.42   A wave of nausea swept over me.
  wave approach 3.36   A weak tropical wave will approach Wednesday.
  wave hit 3.36   Just then, a big wave hit.
  wave begin 3.23   Then a second wave of litigation began.
  wave crash 2.50   The waves crashed.
  wave arrive 2.17   Monday, a second wave of bombs arrived.
  wave wash 1.91   Tall waves washed over the bow.
  wave continue 1.78   And the crime wave is continuing.
  wave break 1.71   Waves broke over and water poured in.
  wave have 1.71   The wave had a great deal of undertow.
  wave pound 1.38   The waves pounded the rocks.
  wave lap 1.25   Gentle waves lap at a white sand shore.
  wave follow 1.18   A wave of lawsuits followed.
  wave roll 1.05   Waves are rolling high.
  wave strike 1.05   And then the second wave struck.
  wave reach 0.99   The waves reached the outhouse door.
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