51.   Do you think somewhere in this world there are babies who regularly utter the word Vitale?

52.   Early voice recognition programs demanded that users utter each word slowly and deliberately.

53.   Even if I thought that, and I do have some beautiful friends, there is no way that I would utter those words in public.

54.   Even Jan Stephenson skittishly approached King on the practice green this week, tapped King on the shoulder and uttered those words.

55.   Edney did not utter another word and stayed long after practice the next two days for extra shooting.

56.   Everywhere you turn, people are uttering that word.

57.   Few discouraging words were uttered.

58.   Face to face, Yassin transmits an eerie kind of serenity, uttering harsh words as gently as if he were talking to a small child.

59.   Few golfers have not uttered those words.

60.   Giuliani can barely utter a word without inviting an arch Koch rejoinder.

v. + word >>共 873
have 7.40%
say 6.58%
use 6.16%
exchange 3.64%
spread 3.54%
hear 2.74%
speak 2.62%
get 2.44%
keep 2.39%
await 2.26%
utter 2.04%
utter + n. >>共 118
word 41.04%
name 4.58%
epithet 3.33%
sentence 2.92%
expletive 2.08%
phrase 1.88%
sound 1.88%
obscenity 1.88%
threat 1.88%
line 1.67%
每页显示:    共 196