1.   After retrieving the chalice she sat at a table in her living room and began to speak the words.

2.   But he could speak the words.

3.   He got a job as a lamplighter and never spoke a word against his father.

4.   I knew she knew me, though she never spoke word, never, night-long.

5.   Lee attended both games in Houston, however, and not a harsh word was spoken between them.

6.   Moreover, when words are spoken in continuous speech they often sound different from when spoken in isolation.

7.   Not another word was spoken, till he tossed back the mead in one gulp.

8.   Not another word was spoken.

v. + word >>共 873
have 7.40%
say 6.58%
use 6.16%
exchange 3.64%
spread 3.54%
hear 2.74%
speak 2.62%
get 2.44%
keep 2.39%
await 2.26%
speak + n. >>共 276
language 26.06%
mind 15.34%
volume 14.12%
word 11.45%
truth 5.11%
name 3.12%
line 1.54%
dialect 1.49%
engagement 1.36%
term 0.72%
每页显示:    共 252