51.   Studies have linked the disease to eating too much fat, hormone replacement therapy, oral contraception and radiation exposure.

52.   Studies have linked sexual abuse to post-traumatic stress disorder, eating disorders, increased risk of suicide, and gastrointestinal problems.

53.   Studies have linked this Ovo-lacto diet with lower rates of heart disease, obesity and certain cancers.

54.   That may be a stretch, but a new study links certain nutrients with this cancer and upping them may be protective.

55.   The authors, however, urged moderation, noting that past studies had linked heavy drinking to a variety of serious illnesses.

56.   The Michigan study linked data from the Detroit cancer registry with Medicaid files for three counties in the Detroit area.

57.   The researchers noted that earlier studies had linked stroke to infection, and suggested that the flu vaccine might act to strengthen the overall immune system.

58.   The role of salt in asthma is less clear, but a British study has linked the rate of deaths from asthma to the amount of salt used.

59.   The study linked on-the-job radiation exposure to excessive cancer deaths among workers at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory.

60.   The study linked rising gonorrhea rates with attendance at specific sex clubs and other places frequented by gay men in San Francisco, Portland and Seattle.

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