1.   Of course, self-report studies have limitations, just as criminal statistics do.

2.   Scientific studies involving humans have a statistical threshold for causing harm to participants, and if passed they are discontinued.

3.   Split-brain studies have science fiction overtones which have led to their widespread publicity in more recent times.

4.   Studies have had mixed results in looking for a link between coffee and heart disease.

5.   The study has no scientific merit.

6.   This study has yet far to go and it would be unwise to be too dogmatic about sources and influences at this stage.

7.   Descriptive and historical studies of English have both undergone significant and rapid development in our own day.

8.   Informed consent was obtained from all participants, and the study had approval from the institutional human ethics committee.

9.   These studies have considerable limitations, however.

10.   Although aspirin has been implicated in chronic analgesic nephropathy recent studies have case doubt on this association.

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study + v. >>共 367
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