51.   Researchers discovered a pattern of gang involvement.

52.   Researchers discovered more than a century ago that there was an electrostatic attraction, called the van der Waals force, between any two surfaces.

53.   Researchers discovered that typical Diet Coke drinkers have inner lives and that they especially like to read.

54.   Researchers have discovered how the nerve cell flips the CREB switch on and off.

55.   Researchers are also discovering that unhealthy weight and exercise obsessions begin far earlier than once thought.

56.   Researchers discovered that urinalysis can help indicate which babies suffer the highest risk.

57.   Researchers have discovered that gold-laden soil often contains an abundance of spores belonging to a certain bacterium.

58.   Researchers have discovered the scientific basis for enjoying a caress.

59.   Researcher discovers a conspiracy when she tries to find the origins of a deadly virus that breaks out in L.A. William DeVane, Nicollette Sheridan.

60.   Researchers discovered documents that appear to establish a chain of command from Pol Pot on down for some of the killings, crucial for convicting top leaders.

n. + discover >>共 742
police 9.53%
doctor 5.12%
scientist 4.47%
official 4.24%
researcher 3.65%
investigator 3.25%
authority 3.05%
people 1.81%
company 1.64%
worker 1.55%
researcher + v. >>共 450
say 19.69%
find 8.84%
be 4.75%
believe 2.70%
use 2.12%
have 2.00%
report 1.80%
hope 1.76%
look 1.60%
suggest 1.40%
discover 1.17%
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