51.   It is an axiom of chemistry that the form and function of a molecule are closely related, and this principle applies strongly to cubane.

52.   She concludes that the same principles apply to the way the infant mind develops patterns of behavior.

53.   Similar principles apply to downhill skiing.

54.   That principle applies here.

55.   The Bible speaks of placing lepers in quarantine, she writes, wondering whether the same principles apply to AIDS.

56.   The first round against Philadelphia may seem like ancient history and Kidd is more multidimensional than Iverson, but the same defensive principles still apply.

57.   The principle in this case applies to a heated gas on top of a cold, dense cloud.

58.   The principle should surely apply to areas of special historical value, too.

59.   The regulation, of course, does not contradict the presumption or notion that ordinary principles of causation apply here.

60.   The same principle apparently applied in this case.

n. + apply >>共 1176
rule 7.11%
law 6.24%
company 2.65%
ban 2.00%
restriction 2.00%
principle 1.56%
ruling 1.54%
bill 1.14%
standard 1.13%
regulation 1.09%
principle + v. >>共 172
be 43.54%
apply 10.74%
work 1.83%
remain 1.71%
include 1.71%
seem 1.49%
have 1.49%
guide 1.37%
hold 1.26%
require 1.26%
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