1.   Other principles include a promise to sell no products that are tested on animals and a commitment to social responsibility.

2.   The model business principles include avoiding child and forced labor, respecting the right to organize and bargain collectively, and respecting free expression in the workplace.

3.   These principles include the rule of law, inviolate property rights and the sanctity of contracts.

4.   These principles include a right not to be arbitrarily displaced, access to humanitarian assistance and protection while in flight and guarantees of reparations upon returning home.

5.   Those principles include enforcement by independent outsiders.

6.   Those principles include guarantees that consumers will be told why data is being collected and will be given a choice about how it can be used.

7.   Its basic principles will include an integrated Bosnia, a goal contrary to that of the Croat Democratic Union, loyal to Croatian President Franjo Tudjman.

8.   The principles include recommended responses to human rights abuses.

9.   These principles included a legal code based on Sharia or Islamic law, a federal power-sharing arrangement, and plebiscites as the final arbiter of constitutional questions.

10.   Those principles include a broad international consultation process on the proposed agency which must be independent of any other world body, according to McCaffrey.

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speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
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principle 0.03%
principle + v. >>共 172
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