51.   Outgoing legislators tried in their last weeks in office to pass bills expanding worker rights and protecting individuals against police abuse.

52.   A delegation of activists submitted video tapes and pictures, which they said contained proof of police abuses, to the Malaysian National Human Rights Commission.

53.   A police officer was suspended for a month Sunday for publishing without permission a novel about police abuse, officials said.

54.   And civil rights activists consider the shooting symbolic of widespread police abuse toward minorities.

55.   Areas of concern include instances of police abuse, excessive use of force, brutality and death of prisoners in custody, the report said.

56.   But prominent reports carried Friday on state television and many state newspapers denied that police abuse was to blame.

57.   But prominent reports carried Thursday on state television and many state newspapers denied that police abuse was to blame.

58.   Chavez accused Pena of promoting police abuse when government supporters take to the streets.

59.   China has consistently denied that Falun Gong followers have been mistreated or died as a result of police abuse.

60.   Chinese officials have declined to discuss individual reports of police abuse against Falun Gong members, but deny that any followers have died from police mistreatment.

n. + abuse >>共 239
child 27.44%
drug 22.34%
alcohol 8.59%
sex 5.22%
right 4.84%
police 3.41%
campaign 2.94%
human-rights 2.22%
finance 1.84%
clergy 1.38%
police + n. >>共 515
spokesman 9.77%
official 7.94%
chief 4.26%
car 3.33%
source 2.97%
department 2.95%
report 2.28%
headquarters 2.25%
custody 2.13%
investigation 1.87%
abuse 0.26%
每页显示:    共 108