51.   Remove breasts and place under preheated broiler.

52.   Rescheduling of short-term arrears on debt to other countries has taken place under less favorable terms.

53.   Senate Republicans told their Democratic colleagues that there was no need to worry about eliminating quality standards under Medicaid because similar standards would remain in place under Medicare.

54.   Sometimes, she would find a place back under the stands when he fought and rely on friends to signal how things were going.

55.   Spray oil on mushroom tops and place under broiler.

56.   Stevens let the colt cruise in fourth place under a tight hold behind Essayons and Deputy Dash until they hit the stretch.

57.   Sprinkle remaining sugar on the surface of the pudding, and place under a broiler just until top is lightly browned.

58.   The attack took place under such seemingly calm conditions.

59.   The Aztek stalled at the starting line, even though its June debut took place under ideal advertising circumstances.

n. + under >>共 1783
area 1.86%
year 0.87%
government 0.73%
city 0.72%
place 0.66%
right 0.63%
life 0.63%
country 0.60%
company 0.60%
election 0.59%
place + p. >>共 93
in 37.04%
for 11.31%
on 8.38%
at 6.75%
like 4.73%
with 4.51%
to 3.11%
by 2.20%
as 2.15%
after 1.42%
under 0.68%
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