place in 699.81   Ledley deserves a place in the team.
  place for 213.69   There was no place for skill.
  place on 158.26   Stitch in place on the hat brim.
  place at 127.45   I resumed my place at the podium.
  place like 89.40   Anyway, there is no place like home.
  place with 85.25   Hold it in place with a rubber band.
  place to 58.66   No place to park!
  place by 41.47   I found the place purely by luck.
  place as 40.62   And here was as good a place as any.
  place after 26.79   Everything falls into place after that.
  place over 21.92   He fell to fourth place over all.
  place before 20.80   Argun was a dismal place before the fight.
  place during 20.47   The ceremony took place during a storm.
  place within 19.68   All this took place within a year.
  place such_as 16.85   Other places such as Spain, could turn into desert.
  place without 15.73   Goma was a place without rules.
  place behind 15.40   Gusmao finished in second place behind Sjoberg.
  place near 14.94   The biggest place near it.
  place between 14.09   But the shenanigans took place only between points.
  place from 13.10   He remembered the place from his childhood.
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