51.   President Clinton made four phone calls to Sharif urging Pakistan not to set off a nuclear explosion.

52.   Past test ban accords have been limited, and this one would bar all underground nuclear explosions.

53.   President Clinton sent the nuclear test ban treaty to the Senate for ratification Monday, launching a campaign to prohibit all nuclear explosions for the rest of time.

54.   Russia now joins Britain and France as original nuclear powers that have both signed and ratified the treaty banning all nuclear explosions.

55.   Senators said they were still deeply troubled by the nuclear explosions and the threat of a new arms race in southern Asia.

56.   Several Western countries and Japan have imposed economic sanctions on India since its nuclear explosions and threaten to do the same to Pakistan if it proceeds.

57.   Smith has proposed engines that would use antiprotons to superheat tiny pellets of material, setting off tiny nuclear explosions and propelling the craft forward.

58.   Such a reaction would not have the force of a nuclear explosion, but it would probably c spread radioactive contaminants.

59.   Such a weapon would not produce a nuclear explosion but could spread radiation over a wide area.

a. + explosion >>共 483
nuclear 6.57%
loud 6.02%
powerful 5.79%
small 4.58%
second 4.43%
controlled 4.03%
huge 3.98%
first 2.84%
large 2.84%
underground 2.39%
nuclear + n. >>共 455
test 12.07%
plant 5.46%
waste 3.91%
arm 3.72%
program 3.53%
material 3.17%
arsenal 3.16%
bomb 3.05%
warhead 2.63%
fuel 2.42%
explosion 1.40%
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