51.   The latest raid concentrated on a chemical factory in the commune where material that could have produced sarin gas was reportedly stocked.

a. + raid >>共 371
bombing 17.83%
israeli 5.45%
pre-dawn 4.27%
separate 2.61%
first 2.33%
military 2.33%
recent 2.13%
latest 2.02%
second 1.90%
overnight 1.82%
latest + n. >>共 1083
round 2.77%
development 2.47%
attack 1.66%
report 1.53%
incident 1.51%
version 1.30%
move 1.12%
victim 1.10%
poll 1.09%
violence 1.09%
raid 0.21%
每页显示:    共 51