1.   He was the latest victim of a series of killings of prominent people in the capital.

2.   His latest victim was punched and kicked after she demanded his warrant card.

3.   Identical twin sisters, Sylvia and Cynthia Hinton, are the latest victims of the Robert Maxwell affair.

4.   A clothes shop is the latest victim of the ram raiders in Stroud.

5.   These are the latest victims of attacks on horses and ponies...

6.   Among the latest victims, are Paul and Jean Williams.

7.   The latest victim was last night found naked at his home in south London by his landlady.

8.   The final straw came when two prospective clients became the latest victims of crime.

9.   He was the latest Catholic victim of gunmen involved in an indiscriminately sectarian campaign.

a. + victim >>共 802
the 10.33%
alleged 4.50%
latest 4.36%
first 3.45%
innocent 3.23%
fallen 1.86%
shooting 1.74%
bombing 1.70%
other 1.63%
potential 1.60%
latest + n. >>共 1083
round 2.77%
development 2.47%
attack 1.66%
report 1.53%
incident 1.51%
version 1.30%
move 1.12%
victim 1.10%
poll 1.09%
violence 1.09%
每页显示:    共 268