51.   Japan had killed thousands of Chinese in widespread attacks with anthrax, typhoid and plague on Manchurian towns and cities, Western scholars say.

52.   Kurdish terrorist attacks have killed thousands, and the security forces have destroyed scores of villages and employed torture and death squads.

53.   Last summer, environmentalists raised a howl as potato pesticides washing into streams killed thousands of trout.

54.   Just as is true with humans, heat kills thousands of animals each year.

55.   Last year they killed thousands of people and laid waste to whole communities, prompting sympathetic calls in Congress for long-term reconstruction assistance.

56.   Near-shore petroleum spills have repeatedly tarred parts of the coast, killing thousands of seabirds, mammals and other wildlife.

57.   Moussaoui has been charged with six counts of conspiring with accused terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorism network to kill thousands of people.

58.   Neglect of industrial safety kills thousands a year in mines and factories.

59.   No one knows exactly how many people have died, for instance, although relief agencies have estimated that thousands were killed by the floods.

60.   Oil soiled hundreds of miles of pristine coastline, killed thousands of birds and damaged ecosystems that have still not fully recovered.

v. + thousand >>共 989
kill 5.17%
send 3.14%
have 2.89%
draw 2.42%
attract 2.08%
leave 1.89%
cost 1.86%
spend 1.58%
save 1.49%
involve 1.29%
kill + n. >>共 569
people 19.44%
soldier 6.63%
man 4.28%
civilian 3.64%
person 3.01%
policeman 2.48%
woman 1.81%
rebel 1.78%
child 1.75%
hundred 1.41%
thousand 1.07%
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