kill thousand 26.93   They killed thousands of people.
  send thousand 16.39   The government sent in thousands of Army troops.
  have thousand 15.08   They have had thousands.
  draw thousand 12.64   And he drew thousands of people at each stop.
  attract thousand 10.86   It also attracted thousands of cheering spectators.
  leave thousand 9.87   Thousands were left without power.
  cost thousand 9.68   That would cost thousands of jobs.
  spend thousand 8.23   He has spent thousands of dollars on shrinks.
  save thousand 7.77   She has saved thousands of lives.
  involve thousand 6.71   Lawsuits involving thousands of people are pending.
  join thousand 6.19   They join thousands of adult workers on the projects.
  receive thousand 5.92   I received thousands of letters.
  bring thousand 5.60   His act brought thousands into the streets.
  strand thousand 5.40   Did the media strand thousands of travelers?
  pay thousand 5.13   We paid thousands of dollars in bribes.
  include thousand 4.94   The dictionary includes thousands of examples.
  deploy thousand 4.61   City officials deployed thousands of workers to clean up the mess.
  take thousand 4.48   Thousands were taken prisoner.
  force thousand 4.41   Thousands have been forced from their homes.
  destroy thousand 4.34   UNSCOM has already destroyed thousands of chemical and biological warheads.
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