51.   Plutonium is extracted from uranium fuel used in reactors and can then be applied to the manufacture of nuclear weaponry.

v. + plutonium >>共 116
produce 21.00%
use 9.00%
extract 8.50%
divert 6.67%
have 5.83%
make 2.67%
contain 2.67%
yield 2.50%
separate 2.33%
convert 1.50%
extract + n. >>共 428
confession 8.33%
concession 6.15%
information 4.06%
plutonium 3.69%
oil 3.62%
promise 2.75%
gold 2.03%
cell 1.81%
money 1.52%
juice 1.38%
每页显示:    共 51