1.   American officials say that the North has already separated enough plutonium from its spent fuel to build one or two atomic weapons.

2.   REPROCESSING means chopping up spent reactor fuel rods and chemically separating the plutonium, uranium and other products left over from splitting uranium.

3.   The French chemically separate the plutonium from the uranium in the spent, or worn-out, fuel so both can be re-burned to make electricity.

4.   The Donen plant recycles spent nuclear fuel, separating plutonium for re-use in fast-breeder reactors.

5.   The Donen plant recycles spent nuclear fuel, separating plutonium for reuse in fast-breeder reactors.

6.   The report describes how Iran has sought to buy centrifuges and their components, which are used for separating plutonium.

7.   Then workers in the radio-chemistry laboratory, where plutonium is separated from the nuclear waste, mounted a brief protest.

8.   Then the plutonium was painstakingly separated from highly radioactive wastes, for use in bombs.

9.   This process is called vitrification and makes it very difficult to separate the plutonium again for use in weapons.

10.   Under the October agreement, North Korea vowed to stop separating plutonium, stop refueling its nuclear reactors, and freeze construction of several reactors.

v. + plutonium >>共 116
produce 21.00%
use 9.00%
extract 8.50%
divert 6.67%
have 5.83%
make 2.67%
contain 2.67%
yield 2.50%
separate 2.33%
convert 1.50%
separate + n. >>共 1119
two 3.55%
man 3.25%
shoulder 2.12%
family 1.59%
side 1.56%
group 1.24%
team 1.17%
player 1.01%
child 0.94%
twin 0.91%
plutonium 0.46%
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